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Размер: 143 мб
This movie is an homage from K1ck eSports Club to one of the best
Counter-Strike players in the world, Ricardo "fox" Pacheco. Going for
his fourth consecutive year in our Club, in a career that goes back at
least a decade, we have produced this kind of nostalgic short fragmovie,
showing only a small part of his multitude of skills, mainly with the
weapon that he started using frequently only 1,2 years ago, the AWP.
aces and frags vs teams such as SK-Gaming, compLexity, Titans, Dignitas
and emuLate, just to name a few, complemented with two consecutive awp
doubles where he killed 4 enemies with only 2 shots, these are some of
the highlights of a movie that would have dozens of minutes if we were
to include most of his great performances.
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