Anderson "PA" Menezes Arsalan "SK" Khan Hélio "Coelho" Neto Wendell "Poker" Marcilio Paulo "Plx" Oliveira ________________________________________
thank for all of the community for all information and assistance avaiable. Paulo who helped me a lot in the hours of rendering and evaluation of video and colors. Coelho
helped me teaching tips on color, and He is a great inspiration as well
as the Victor Vivas as a moviemaker and creativity, besides having been
a revelation of the moviemakers YTCS. Anderson who gave me more support and trust, helped me in the hours that I was losing my courage and made me go to the end. Arsalan
is a good friend from Pakistan, very good people who teached me some
good colors and is another source of inspiration and encouragement. Wendell gave me some very good ideas and many innovations. YTCS the entire community by giving tips, tutorials and advice.
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