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EXPLODE GAMING Director & Editor HALIT 'pandazz' ISLAMI
PRODUCED BY pandazzmedia
PLAYERS Arber 'unn1x' Rexhepi Veton 'psymon' Ibrahimi Halit 'pandazz' Islami Valon 'freeman' Ibrahimi Fitim 'kitha' Leka
Team Manager Driton "LG'Fresh" Dogani and very very special thanks to PETIMI hes amazing designer check this out www.flickr.com/petimi
And very special thanks to Lunny the founder and leader of the only Albanian Gaming Network, www.kosovagamers.com Also an enormous thank you to war_ning who has created the greatest counter strike server that we have ever played in. War_ning has helped keeping the gaming community of Kosovo alive.
These two have contributed an incredible amount for the gamers of kosovo.
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